#GOPDebate: A Substantive And Interesting Night, Trump Who?

#GOPDebate: A Substantive And Interesting Night, Trump Who?

The very last GOP debate before the Iowa vote next week took place last night. Fox News moderated and the usual cast of candidates attended…except for a certain billionaire businessman who’d decided to put aside his Twitter tantrums and focus “Conveniently” on our nation’s veterans. But I digress. I’m sure you know who the moderators were:


The candidates were pretty familiar as well.


It was a substantive and interesting night with quite a few moments here and there.

Trump’s Pro-Vet Website Features Ukrainian-Based Actor, Directs Donations to His Personal Foundation

Trump’s Pro-Vet Website Features Ukrainian-Based Actor, Directs Donations to His Personal Foundation

Donald Trump has developed a habit of confusing American veterans with those from other nations. You may recall late last week the Trump campaign used a photo…

Mr. Putin, Come See America the Exceptional!

Dear Vlad, Here on this blog and elsewhere, many people, including myself, agree wholehearted with your assessment of Syria, our current President, and his foreign policy blunders…

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Ava Gardner