Quote of the Day: Trump is Making America Great Again, With the Help of White Supremacists

Quote of the Day: Trump is Making America Great Again, With the Help of White Supremacists

We all know by now that Donald Trump is totally down with the white supremacy. He’s cool with endorsements from David Duke and has a history of…

Tarantino Doubles Down and Adds White Supremacy Rant

Tarantino Doubles Down and Adds White Supremacy Rant

Yesterday there were rumors circulating that Quentin Tarantino would be offering an insincere apology to police abroad, but is it really surprising that another of the Left’s…

Feminist Gives Advice for Interracial Couples, Especially for Whites

Feminist Gives Advice for Interracial Couples, Especially for Whites

As if race relations aren’t complex enough in this country, along comes a feminist and ‘sexuality educator’ who advises white women of “seven things to remember” if…

#ConfederateFlag: Nikki Haley Did the Right Thing By Removing the Flag

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley called today for the removal of the Confederate flag on the State House grounds in Columbia, five days after the racially-motivated killing of…

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Ava Gardner