Congress Critters Sleeping in Offices Complain D.C. Rent Is Too Damn High

Congress Critters Sleeping in Offices Complain D.C. Rent Is Too Damn High

Well, cry me a damned river. Do the Congress Critters ever get out into the real world?

D.C. City Council votes to use racial preferences to distribute marijuana business licenses

D.C. City Council votes to use racial preferences to distribute marijuana business licenses

Just for a minute, imagine this scene at the D.C. City Council meeting: “You know, we really need to encourage more of our black population to get involved…

Medicaid: When Is A Cut Not A Cut? [VIDEO]

Medicaid: When Is A Cut Not A Cut? [VIDEO]

The new attack line on the Senate version of the AHCA is that it will “cut Medicaid.” The narrative being pushed is that poor people will be…

Abortion ‘Spa’ Carafem Launches Ad Campaign to Normalize Abortion

Abortion ‘Spa’ Carafem Launches Ad Campaign to Normalize Abortion

When I think of a spa, I think of getting a massage, resting, getting pampered. I don’t think of a spa as a place to have an…

The Making of an American Patriot

We took our first family trip in almost 6 years last month.  This is no small feat, because the last time we took a family vacation, my…

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Ava Gardner