Tucker and the Ukraine War Interview

Tucker and the Ukraine War Interview

There are those of us out here in the vast wide Americanness of America with a type of Patriotic Oppositional Defiance Disorder. The very moment we are…

Suddenly Joe Is “Laser-Focused” On Giving Maui A Pittance

Suddenly Joe Is “Laser-Focused” On Giving Maui A Pittance

After offering an infuriating “No Comment” response to reporters concerning the deadly wildfires on Maui yesterday afternoon, and avoiding reporters this morning, suddenly Joe is FOCUSED. Laser-focused…

Joe Biden Has “No Comment” On Maui Disaster And Deaths

Joe Biden Has “No Comment” On Maui Disaster And Deaths

The island of Maui has absolutely been devastated by the wildfires that devoured the historic area of Lahaina.

Criminals Are Stealing Weapons And Supplies Sent To Ukraine

Criminals Are Stealing Weapons And Supplies Sent To Ukraine

Evidently NO ONE has been keeping an eye on the arms and supplies Joe Biden is sending to Ukraine. Per the U.S. Inspector General’s office we find…

Biden’s Circus Continues, Sends 3,000 Reserve Troops To Europe

Biden’s Circus Continues, Sends 3,000 Reserve Troops To Europe

While no one can tell us whose cocaine was found in The West Wing, Joe Biden makes the announcement yesterday early evening that the Pentagon will send…

Zelensky Wants Membership NOW, NATO Says Not Yet

Zelensky Wants Membership NOW, NATO Says Not Yet

NATO told Zelensky that a membership to NATO could be approved, but only if certain conditions are met. In other words, the answer was …Not Yet. And…

NATO In Lithuania –  What To Look For

NATO In Lithuania – What To Look For

Well boys and girls, NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania as of right now. With that many poncing ne’er do wells in…

U.S. To Donate Cluster Munitions To Ukraine

U.S. To Donate Cluster Munitions To Ukraine

UPDATE BELOW: Yes, donate. Evidently sending arms, ammo, drones and more is just one big huge donation program for Ukraine. And now we get to add cluster…

Russian General Arrested By Kremlin

Russian General Arrested By Kremlin

It was a head scratcher — how a tough autocrat like Vladimir Putin could have been blindsided by last week’s near-coup of the Russian military. Especially since…

Prigozhin is Gone, So What Now for Putin?

Prigozhin is Gone, So What Now for Putin?

On Thursday morning, I wrote about the military coup in Russia, brought to the nation by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner gang of mercenaries. I…

Russia: On the Brink of a Military Coup?

Russia: On the Brink of a Military Coup?

UDATED BELOW. The Ukraine war has dragged on for over a year now, without the slam-dunk victory that Vladimir Putin thought was in the bag. Now it…

Did The United States Ever Have Control Of Ukraine?

Did The United States Ever Have Control Of Ukraine?

I read an article in Zero Hedge today that confused me, greatly. The title of the article is: Is The United States Losing Its Control of Ukraine?…

Nikki Haley Town Hall: Does She Stand Out?

Nikki Haley Town Hall: Does She Stand Out?

Nikki Haley knows that she is running back in the presidential primary pack behind Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. Her entire primary strategy has to be to…

CNN Trump Town Hall Becomes a Slog Fest

CNN Trump Town Hall Becomes a Slog Fest

Into the category of Things You Never Thought You’d See, enter CNN hosting a town hall with Donald Trump. “They made me a deal I couldn’t refuse!”…

Russia Really Wants Exploding Drones Taken Seriously

Russia Really Wants Exploding Drones Taken Seriously

Assassination attempt? False flag? Fireworks display gone wrong? You make the call.

From The VG Bookshelf – “Saved” By Benjamin Hall

From The VG Bookshelf – “Saved” By Benjamin Hall

Until recently, I was an avid consumer of Fox News. Yes, people like Brett Baier annoyed the living daylights out of me, but most of the Fox…

Tucker Carlson Breaks His Silence

Tucker Carlson Breaks His Silence

Two days after Fox News gave Tucker Carlson the boot, he appeared in a video on Twitter. It was short, contained the usual Carlson rhetoric, but was…

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Ava Gardner