Yesterday, while Sarah Palin was enjoying the media spotlight and fawning all over her new best friend Donald Trump; someone else was having a very bad day. Palin’s son Track now faces serious criminal and legal charges back home in Wasilla, Alaska.
Its not that he got drunk, belligerent, and nasty with his girlfriend, because he did. Oh no. He went several steps further and made the entire situation worse of his OWN volition, by antagonizing the cops. Not only that, he held a gun, an AR-15 to his head and threatened to shoot himself if his girlfriend didn’t toe the line. This is AFTER he slugged and kicked her. Let me repeat that. Track Palin didn’t just get into a drunken verbal fight with his girlfriend…He. Beat. Her. Up. So what does good ole Mama Grizzly do?
Yes indeed, she went there. She really really did. For every veteran whose fought long and hard to overcome the darkness that is PTSD and won…that doesn’t matter. She threw you and all your hard work under the “Its not my fault bus!” You know what Sarah, that’s CRAP and you know it!
Well, the three-ring circus Trump campaign added another act today. Step right up ladies and gents…its Showtime!! “I’m proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for president,” Ms….
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