Adeel Mangi, Anti-Cop and Anti-Semite, For Third Circuit

Adeel Mangi, Anti-Cop and Anti-Semite, For Third Circuit

I can’t believe this nomination is still on life support. Adeel Mangi, an anti-Semite and anti-Cop activist, should have had his nomination for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals withdrawn. He got murderized in hearing three months ago. His answer to many questions seems to be of the Sergeant Schultz variety:

Adeel Mangi

Biden Nominee Adeel Mangi: Kick This Radical To The Curb

Biden Nominee Adeel Mangi: Kick This Radical To The Curb

pResident Biden’s nominee for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals is touted as by the White House and Democrat supporters as “brilliant litigator” with proven “devotion to…

Would a President Trump Appoint His Pro Abortion Judge Sister to SCOTUS?

Would a President Trump Appoint His Pro Abortion Judge Sister to SCOTUS?

If Donald Trump’s supporters are convinced that he is a champion of the unborn, they may want to think again. On Wednesday, in a lengthy interview for…

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