Extortion 17 – Fallen Angel Documentary

Extortion 17 – Fallen Angel Documentary

Ten years ago, on August 6, 2011, an Army Chinook helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, crashed in the Tangi Valley of Afghanistan. All military personnel aboard were killed. There are more questions than answers about the event, which leads to calls of cover-up. This documentary smashes some of the the myths, but, for me, led to many more questions and a metric ton of anger.

Biden Bombs In Presser On Afghanistan Drawdown

Biden Bombs In Presser On Afghanistan Drawdown

Joe Biden held a press conference yesterday afternoon to inform the American people about the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan. Biden sputtered and mumbled through the half…

Remember Staff Sergeant Patrick Hamburger, Extortion 17

Remember Staff Sergeant Patrick Hamburger, Extortion 17

Celebrate Fourth of July, this year, as the Founding Fathers intended it to be celebrated. As you celebrate the day, remember Staff Sergeant Patrick Hamburger who died…

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Ava Gardner