Army Strongly Considering 10-20% Cut To Special Ops Forces

Army Strongly Considering 10-20% Cut To Special Ops Forces

The Army has a serious recruiting problem. One of their solutions? Hey! Let’s cut our Special Ops Forces by 10-20%! Yes folks, that’s really what they are considering.

Special Forces Determined To Not Leave Iraqi Family Behind [VIDEO]

Special Forces Determined To Not Leave Iraqi Family Behind [VIDEO]

We still have soldiers in Iraq. And we still have Iraqis working with those soldiers to keep them safe. Here’s a story that will remind you of…

Leftist Writer Says Patriotic War Movies are Just “Masculine Nonsense.” [VIDEO]

Leftist Writer Says Patriotic War Movies are Just “Masculine Nonsense.” [VIDEO]

I don’t care much about the Oscars, but I was happy to see that “Dunkirk” received eight Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture. Not everyone I know…

Russian Hero Calls in Airstrike on Self

Russian Hero Calls in Airstrike on Self

Heroism. Bravery. Selflessness. These words are looked down on as old-fashioned. They are derided as anachronistic, no longer relevant, from a different time. Every now and then…

VA Secretary Robert McDonald Caught in Lies. Yes, That’s More Than One.

New Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald has found himself in Brian Williams territory after this exchange with a homeless veteran in Los Angeles. Problem is, McDonald…

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Ava Gardner