Guest Opinion: Where do we go from here?

Guest Opinion: Where do we go from here?

I’ve often pondered on what sort of country my young grandsons will be forced to grow up in. As their future is changing and their rights are eroding, I wonder how I may someday sit with them and talk of the country I grew up in. How might I explain the way things used to be?

Kate Smith And God Bless America: Political Correctness Is Out Of Control

Kate Smith And God Bless America: Political Correctness Is Out Of Control

When will people realize that political correctness has gone too far? When will they realize that in an effort to “protect” people from bad things, our entire…

Gym Owner Slams Cops, Crossfit and Capitalism

Gym Owner Slams Cops, Crossfit and Capitalism

An Atlanta gym owner is searing the internet with his policy of “no cops” in his gym. The EAV Barbell Club gym is owned by Jim Chambers,…

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Ava Gardner