The Constitution Is Great, Check Your Premise, Dan

The Constitution Is Great, Check Your Premise, Dan

Slate Magazine published a piece by a Computer Science Professor by the name of Dan Rockmore. The article argues that you can mathematically prove that there is a Logical Inconsistency in The Constitution of the United States of America. The problem is: Dan’s premise is wrong, so the whole argument is invalid. Read on. I promise I won’t bore the snot out of you.

Philadelphia Starbucks Arrest Cues Racist Whines

Philadelphia Starbucks Arrest Cues Racist Whines

Last week, two black men were arrested at a Starbucks in Philadelphia. The media has reported that the men were arrested because they didn’t order food and…

Republicans Are The Party of Death and Other Democrat Lies

Republicans Are The Party of Death and Other Democrat Lies has posted an article titled ‘The “pro-life” party has become the party of death: New research on why Republicans hate poor and sick people.” All because…

Slate Writer Glad Mets Lost World Series Because Homophobia

Slate Writer Glad Mets Lost World Series Because Homophobia

As a resident of the Kansas City metro and a diehard Royals fan, to me their 12th inning victory over the New York Mets, which earned them…

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Ava Gardner