Seattle City Council Revisits Drug Exclusion Zones

Seattle City Council Revisits Drug Exclusion Zones

Seattle 10 years ago was a different city than what it is today. While The beautiful skyline, surrounding mountains and bodies of water still peacefully exist on the outskirts of the Emerald City, a rotting stench lurks from within.

Violence Is Not The Answer in PDX and Seattle

Violence Is Not The Answer in PDX and Seattle

As riots and protests continue across the country, the northwestern cities of Portland and Seattle have seen increasing violence and crime in the name of “justice”.

Standby In Seattle: Tactical Presence Confirmed

Standby In Seattle: Tactical Presence Confirmed

There is no disputing the rivalry of “woke” in the great Pacific Northwest. Seattle comes up with the CHAZ, CHOP-whatever it is in Capitol Hill and Portland…

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Ava Gardner