#BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Bernie Sanders in Seattle

Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a socialist, has been nibbling at frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s heels lately, drawing ever-increasing crowds, including one throng of more than 11,000 in Arizona…

#MinimumWage Raise: A Costly “Gift”

Yesterday morning 20 states across the US raised the minimum wage. The raises are from a combination of laws or automatic wage adjustments. Niraj Choksi of the Washington…

The Minimum Wage Fight, and the Seattle Experiment

On Wednesday, Senate Republicans blocked a measure to begin debate on raising the federal minimum wage from the current $7.25 an hour to $10.10 an hour.  Democrats…

Turning A Blind Eye To Mental Illness Takes Another Innocent Life – But You’ll Never Hear About It

Over the weekend in Seattle, yet another murder by an allegedly mentally ill person occurred.  A popular English professor at a local community college was killed while…

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Ava Gardner