Election 2023 The Debacle – What Happened?

Election 2023 The Debacle – What Happened?

Let me name some feelings for you. Angry. Sad. Frustrated. Suspicious. Anxious. Afraid. Confused. Miserable. There are so many more, but that’s a start. As we wake up after Election 2023, and contemplate the carnage, it’s important to ask “What happened?”.

RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel – Why?

RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel – Why?

What in the name of Ronald Reagan is Donald Trump doing with his continued support of Ronna Romney McDaniel? That’s the question everyone wants to know. For…

The GOP Is No More, If It Can’t Beat Old Joe

The GOP Is No More, If It Can’t Beat Old Joe

Miranda Devine is one of the few investigative journalists left in the United States. Fact. Therefore, I hesitate to criticize her in any way. However, here comes…

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Ava Gardner