palin rap: ‘when i say obama…you say ayers’

all the mavericks in the house put your hands up!!! all the plumbers in the house pull your pants up!!!! ayup and drill baby drillah.

because of trig

get a hanky. this is special…

‘dittos from scranton’

‘dittos from scranton’

UPDATE 10/15/08: here’s a vid of sarah and lee greenwood singing ‘god bless the USA’ — it’s fun. would obama do that? i doubt it — he…

that ‘c’ word

so why does obama’s website promote a nasty picture that calls sarah palin the ‘c’ word? isn’t he the one who is always crying mama over personal…

sarah smacks down a heckler

sarah smacks down a heckler

did you see this on the news last night? yesterday while at a campaign stop in ft. meyers, florida, sarah palin was describing her running mate john…

‘this is what feminism looks like’

‘this is what feminism looks like’

um, no doubt. that’s a quote from a NOW president in california who introduced sarah palin at a rally in carson, california this weekend. ace liveblogged the…

jack?  meet sarah

jack? meet sarah

of course i had to put it up…. how could i not??!?

go sarah!

go sarah!

tonite’s the debate… and she’s coming after“plugs!” and as much as the msm and libtards would try to minimize her, she didn’t get the name ‘saracuda‘ for…

reason # 6,341 why i hate ‘the view’

reason # 6,341 why i hate ‘the view’

the ladies are debating sarah palin. you need to watch it to the end to watch them go nutz on elizabeth. why is this show still on…

vote bitter

you can get them here. buy a couple, wear them proudly!

pds lives in seattle

have you seen this? apparently this street graffitti was stenciled onto the sidewalk in seattle’s greenwood neighborhood. palin derangement syndrome alive and well in seattle.

humor me. it’s the weekend.

jack’s coming back with a 2-hr movie ‘redeemption’ telemovie event on November 23rd. you can watch the trailer for it here. i can’t wait!

get inside the head of sarah palin

something to do on a great fall weekend!

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Ava Gardner