Tim McBride Is A Mister, Even As A Sarah

Tim McBride Is A Mister, Even As A Sarah

During a House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting, Rep. Keith Self from Texas referred to Tim McBride as “Mister.” So what’s the problem? Apparently, calling someone “Mister” is now controversial. Why? Because a grown man in a dress expects the world to indulge his public perverted fetishes. We are talking about Tim McBride in drag. But not everyone is bending the knee.

Dem Tim “Sarah” McBride and the Trans Taliban

Dem Tim “Sarah” McBride and the Trans Taliban

While Democrats are still engaged in finger-pointing over their Nov 5th loss, certain factions are doubling down with their pet causes. Congresscritter-elect McBride, trans-identified male, is attempting…

Nancy Mace May Propose Capitol Restroom Legislation

Nancy Mace May Propose Capitol Restroom Legislation

South Carolina Congresscritter Nancy Mace may propose legislation that would require those in the U.S. House to use the restroom of their sex determined at birth. Mace…

Sarah McBride, Transwoman Running For Congress From Delaware

Sarah McBride, Transwoman Running For Congress From Delaware

If, over the next few months, some random person happens to ask you “Have you heard that Sarah McBride is running for congress from the state of…

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Ava Gardner