Oh, sure, CAIR condemned the attack, but they also made not-so-subtle digs at Americans while doing it. It is partially all of us – you know, racist, prejudiced Americans – that are at fault, too. Hey, CAIR, we honest, hardworking Americans also make fun of hipsters with well-groomed and conditioned beards, too. It isn’t a slight against your whole faith structure, and it surely doesn’t entitle someone to gun down dozens of his co-workers.
CAIR enrages quite a few of us with their refusal to completely blame the terror on the radicals – which makes a lot of Americans uncomfortable with them and unwilling to trust CAIR when it calls itself moderate. However, groups of Muslim-Americans are beginning to call CAIR out. Men and women like Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a former U.S. Navy officer and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, is one such reformer.
“CAIR is a primary obstacle in the effort of many honest American Muslims who recognize our need to own up and lead long overdue reforms against the root causes of radicalization: Islamism and its separationism.”

“CAIR’s information is marketed and packaged so it seems that they speak for all of us, but they don’t speak for me and my group,” said Raheel Raza, president of the Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow. “CAIR does not and has never represented the majority Muslim voices which are as diverse as Muslims in America.”
Muslims Facing Tomorrow is one of more than a dozen moderate Islamic groups from the U.S., Canada, and Europe that have joined the Muslim Reform Movement, and alliance put together by Jasser. They oppose violent jihad, are advocates for a separation of “mosque and state,” and celebrate individual liberty, freedom, human rights, and gender equality. They also reject the idea of an Islamic State and Sharia Law.
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