Is There A Rape Culture Or Are Lena Dunham And Rolling Stone Just Irresponsible?

I wish I could say that the current status of “feminism” in this country is laughable, but instead I have to say it nauseates me. We have…

Rolling Stone UVA Story Is Epic Failure For Journalism And Rape Victims

On Friday it was reported here at Victory Girls and around the world that Rolling Stone magazine issued a retraction of sorts on the “A Rape on Campus” story…

Rolling Stone Retracts UVA Rape Story

In November, Rolling Stone magazine published a story authored by Sabrina Ruben Erdely titled “A Rape On Campus.” The story revolved around an attack on the University…

Let’s Hold Off On the Bowe Bergdahl Party, Hailey

Dear Hailey, Idaho: I understand that you are going to be throwing a party for Bowe Bergdahl on June 28th.  This was originally supposed to be a…

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Ava Gardner