Robert Lewis Dear, the alleged shooter at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood office, is starting to talk, and what he was reported to have said has pushed the Left into a feeding frenzy.
In a statement made to officials after being taken into custody, Dear made the comment “no more baby parts,” according to two law enforcement officials.

The sources stressed that Dear made a lot of other comments as well, including references to President Obama. They also said the connection between that single comment and the targeting of the Planned Parenthood office was not clear. Yet that didn’t stop the Left from drawing the long knives on conservatives and Christians.
The leftist website Think Progress tore into Republican presidential candidates Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz for their criticism of Planned Parenthood after videos released by the Center for Medical Progress showed PP officials peddling parts of aborted babies. Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs condemned all conservatives for the attack when he wrote, “Dear may be mentally disturbed, but we now know he was inspired by the lies and manipulative videos. And every conservative who helped spread these evil lies shares responsibility for this attack.” The left wing blogger Joe.My.God simply stated, “Case closed. Terrorist.”
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