Borking Kavanaugh

Borking Kavanaugh

Please tell me that I’m not the only one who is trying to catch their breath after a day like today. Today, we entered the Twilight Zone of politics, and witnessed the full-on borking attempt of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

This Day In History: Sandra Day O’Connor Confirmed For SCOTUS [VIDEO]

This Day In History: Sandra Day O’Connor Confirmed For SCOTUS [VIDEO]

Does anyone still remember when judges who were nominated for the Supreme Court were evaluated on the merits of their judicial expertise, and not subjected to an…

Judge Robert Bork:  He should have been a Supreme

Judge Robert Bork: He should have been a Supreme

As Michelle notes, Judge Robert Bork, former Supreme Court nominee, legal scholar, and the conservative movement’s champion of originalism, died early this morning after a long battle…

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Ava Gardner