Whether you supported Donald Trump or not, you must agree that the transition of power was peaceful.
That is, on the Capital steps. Other places in Washington DC were a different matter.

Arrested development Trump protestors, reportedly from Disrupt J20, lashed out in the only way they know how — by breaking things. My four-year-old grandson shows better self-control when he becomes angry.
There have been arrests, thankfully, but not enough to quell the rioters. The rioting threatened the safety of the reporters, as you can see.
JUST IN: @GriffJenkins: "It continues to escalate." #Protests #Inauguration #Trump45 pic.twitter.com/t1QSXlj2Ff
— Fox News (@FoxNews) January 20, 2017
Tear gas has been used.
— Breaking News Alert (@PzFeed) January 20, 2017
This mob went so far as to block members of the Air Force from attending the inauguration.
#disruptj20 protesters blocking men in Air Force uniforms from getting through the #Inauguration checkpoint pic.twitter.com/XVErOHHBwg
— Ryan Lovelace (@LovelaceRyanD) January 20, 2017
Nice. This scum is keeping the people who would lay down their lives for their very rights to mouth off from seeing their new Commander-in-Chief take office.
These idiots don’t seem to understand Newton’s Third Law of Motion, and that’s for every action, there’s an opposite and equal reaction. And that reaction to leftwing millennial asshattery just took office as President of the United States.
It’s going to be a long four years ahead for some folks.
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