Wearing Red To A Wedding Scandalous?

Wearing Red To A Wedding Scandalous?

Back in the days pre-social media and before people got so self-absorbed they cannot wipe their own backside, people knew what to do and what to wear. If the girl down the street was marrying the boy from two streets over, you put on your “Sunday go to meeting clothes” and went off to congratulate the happy couple. And some of us had Mothers to warn us against sending the wrong signals out. Those Mothers told us not to wear RED to a wedding because someone might take it as a signal we had slept with the groom or wished to sleep with the groom. The horror! Apparently this myth is back again because bad myths never die, they just get recycled for a new generation.

Dear God, Please Let This Daft Bint Get Elected! [VIDEO]

Dear God, Please Let This Daft Bint Get Elected! [VIDEO]

I want Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to win a Congressional seat. I really do want the drooling, fascist-loving, socialist ass monkeys in New York’s 14th district to choose this…

Why Red Poppies on Memorial Day?

Why Red Poppies on Memorial Day?

You may see them in front of your supermarket or at a small town parade, elderly men and women handing out red paper poppies. I strongly suspect…

Let’s Make Men Great Again

Let’s Make Men Great Again

Now, that Donald Trump is going to “Make America Great Again” the next step will be to “Make Men Great Again”. Since the totally metrosexual Barack H….

Trump Campaign and Matt Drudge Fail To Read Rules in Colorado

Ted Cruz won 34 delegates in Colorado on Saturday. The state GOP awarded him 13 delegates on the convention floor, which he then added to the 21…

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Ava Gardner