Columbia professors say the darnedest things. Take Professor Basil Smikle as yet another exhibit of the “intellectual” party in this next instance.
Far-left liberals are hands-down the most miserable people on the face of this earth, especially when they are being blessed.
Only in liberal cities like Seattle could a museum exhibit on hate trigger more…hate. Take the latest from Seattle’s Wing Luke Museum as a prime example of…
An illicit open-air “market” was broken up by NYPD yesterday after it was reported and discovered this “market” sold stolen goods by migrant “vendors”.
As the wheels touch down at JFK, we take a taxi to Brooklyn this morning to talk about their “cool” schools. Why are they cool? Well, just…
Next stop on Dysfunction Junction is Pontiac, Michigan. Where a woman, man is suing his former lover for throwing out a jar of nutz.
As a jaded Gen X-er, I have a hard time understanding why people my age think Socialism (which leads to Communism, ultimately) is a great idea.
The long-awaited appearance of Tucker Carlson on Twitter happened last night and the media is claiming he’s gone full tinfoil hat mode.
Progressives, in their never-ending crusade to force everyone to adhere to their religion, have added another commandment to their list of evils: Childism. They describe it as…
There is no doubt that the Irish have become America’s most beloved immigrants. From having once been despised newcomers in the 19th century, their story has become…
Who had this on their Bingo Card of Life? In Port Townsend, Washington, a YMCA expelled an 80-year-old grandmother. Her offense? She objected to a man being…
Newly inaugurated Mayor of San Francisco, London Breed, (a Democrat), urged homeless advocacy groups that receive money from the city to teach homeless people to “clean up…
Based in liberal Seattle, the Starbucks coffee chain has a reputation that extends beyond its lattés, macchiatos, and cold brews. For decades now, Starbucks has been a…
Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more…
Step right up and get your paint chips and tin foil hats, ladies and gentlemen. The American Humanist Association and their representatives are more than happy to…
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