Epstein Documents Dumped Wednesday Night and Hoo Boy

Epstein Documents Dumped Wednesday Night and Hoo Boy

Finally, inquiring minds as well as those who want dirt to sling were able to access the Jeffrey Epstein court documents. Well, that is, supposedly were able to access them. As of this writing, I couldn’t get them to download, due to internet traffic.

Cheers to Queen Elizabeth on 70 Years as Monarch

Cheers to Queen Elizabeth on 70 Years as Monarch

Few of us can imagine holding a job for 70 years. Some might not even imagine being married for that long. But Elizabeth II has held down…

Jeffrey Epstein.  Will God Win?

Jeffrey Epstein. Will God Win?

    How much worse can the sexual perversion of the elites get? Monday’s arrest of child predator Jeffrey Epstein indicates it may be more brutal, more…

Bill Clinton Involved in Prince Andrew’s Sex Scandal? What It Says About Hillary

Over the past few days we have witnessed the emerging of a royal scandal across the Pond involving Britain’s Prince “Randy Andy” Andrew, fifth in line to…

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Ava Gardner