Kamala Claims She’s Ready For Primetime

Kamala Claims She’s Ready For Primetime

I can do it! Yes I can! You can just HEAR the cackle from Indonesia. Kamala Harris told the Associated Press she’s absolutely ready for primetime should Biden be kicked to the curb.

CNN Reportedly Wants Comedy In Primetime

CNN Reportedly Wants Comedy In Primetime

CNN is in the process of “reinventing” itself after the disasters of 2022. CNN+ crashed and burned upon launch, Jeff Zucker’s long term affair was uncovered and…

Primetime Speech On Soul Of Our Nation For Biden

Primetime Speech On Soul Of Our Nation For Biden

Lord, help me Jesus. It was announced last night that Joe Biden will give a primetime speech outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia on Thursday evening. The subject…

Trump Gives Primetime Oval Office Address [VIDEO]

Trump Gives Primetime Oval Office Address [VIDEO]

As the government shutdown continues over the border wall funding stalemate, President Trump decided to do what he does best – speak directly to the American public…

CNN Changes Debate Criteria, Carly Fiorina Will Make The Main Event

After intense pressure from fans, followed somewhat belatedly by the Republican National Committee, CNN has changed its requirements to qualify for the next big debate on September…

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Ava Gardner