Debate Bingo! Trump Vs Biden Rematch

Debate Bingo! Trump Vs Biden Rematch

Is everyone ready? Does everyone have enough popcorn and snacks? Tonight is the first presidential debate of 2024!

Is The Tide Really Turning Against Biden And Toward Trump?

Is The Tide Really Turning Against Biden And Toward Trump?

The calendar says that there is six more months before the election. While there is cause for optimism, there is also a need for caution. This election…

Ronna Officially Out After Talking Head Tantrum

Ronna Officially Out After Talking Head Tantrum

Say what you will about Ronna McDaniel. We know she did no favors for the RNC and, apparently, she did no favors for the ratings over at…

Colorado Ballot Case: SCOTUS Rules For Constitution

Colorado Ballot Case: SCOTUS Rules For Constitution

Per the unanimous decision from SCOTUS this morning, Donald Trump’s name can stay on the ballot in Colorado and votes for him will be counted.

Buh-Bye! RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Will Step Down After SC Primary

Buh-Bye! RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Will Step Down After SC Primary

Buh-Bye! Quite honestly, Ronna McDaniel should never have been re-elected RNC Chair in the first place. Now, after some stellar reporting, specifically from RedState’s Jen Van Laar,…

Biden Basement Campaign 2.0 Won’t Work From The White House

Biden Basement Campaign 2.0 Won’t Work From The White House

There were multiple reasons why Joe Biden got elected in 2020, but a key one was that he was put in his basement like a potted plant,…

DeSantis Suspends Campaign, Acknowledges The Inevitable

DeSantis Suspends Campaign, Acknowledges The Inevitable

Well, we all knew this was coming, but it doesn’t make it any less disappointing for those not wanting a 2020 redux. Ron DeSantis has announced that…

Iowa Caucus: Expected Result, But Media Calls Race Too Early

Iowa Caucus: Expected Result, But Media Calls Race Too Early

Well, despite Iowa being a caucus state instead of a primary state, which makes polling a little trickier, Donald Trump has apparently cruised to an easy victory…

Haley Blames Botched Slavery Question On Democrat Plant

Haley Blames Botched Slavery Question On Democrat Plant

Politicians do not know how to give straight answers to direct questions. Nikki Haley demonstrated that last night when she botched her response to a question about…

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Ava Gardner