Useful Idiots Sing Castro’s Praises. Who is the Worst? [VIDEO]

Useful Idiots Sing Castro’s Praises. Who is the Worst? [VIDEO]

A cavalcade of prominent leftists made use of social and broadcast media to express their sorrow statements on the passing of Fidel Castro, who is now taking a dirt, er, ash nap as I write. Who is the worst of this sorry lot?

  • Jill Stein. Yes, that Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate who wants a recount of ballots in three states to preserve the “integrity” of our voting system. She was full-throated in her effusive praise of a monster who embodied anything but integrity during his reign of terror in Cuba.

  • President Obama. Somewhat more nuanced in his expressed opinion of Castro, Obama nonetheless avoided the “dictator” label, and then foisted the assessment of Castro onto future generations in his official statement:  “History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him.”  A most deft way to avoid the ugly truth. But as usual, Obama fell into his default mode of lauding — who else? — himself:

 “During my presidency, we have worked hard to put the past behind us, pursuing a future in which the relationship between our two countries is defined not by our differences but by the many things that we share as neighbors and friends – bonds of family, culture, commerce, and common humanity.”

  • Jeremy Corbyn. We cross the Pond to find this nugget of nonsense from Britain’s Labour Party Leader:

“Fidel Castro’s death marks the passing of a huge figure of modern history, national independence and 20th century socialism.”

“From building a world class health and education system, to Cuba’s record of international solidarity abroad, Castro’s achievements were many.”

“For all his flaws, Castro’s support for Angola played a crucial role in bringing an end to Apartheid in South Africa and he will be remembered both as an internationalist and a champion of social justice.”

Yeah. He’s a nutter.

Jeremy Corbyn.
  • Geraldo Rivera. What would journalism be without the bullshit commentary of Geraldo Rivera? Here he is on Fox News Channel, attempting to be even-handed about the legacy of Castro. But then Rivera’s inner Lefty emerges, and before you know it he’s lionizing Castro as a hero.

  • Justin Trudeau. How can we forget the gushing praise heaped upon the dead dictator by the dashing, handsome, and utterly vapid young Canadian Prime Minister?
Little Justin and his hero Fidel.

“Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation.”

“While a controversial figure, both Mr. Castro’s supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people who had a deep and lasting affection for “el Comandante”.

“I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away.”

Yes, Justin Trudeau was born to bromance the Cuban dictator, as his father Pierre had done when he was Prime Minister in the in the 1960’s through the 1970’s. Castro even served as an honorary pallbearer at Pierre Trudeau’s funeral.

Bros: Pierre Trudeau and Fidel Castro.

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