Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Fountain” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Fountain” Edition

Paladin offers you a moment’s respite from the lunacy in DC to bring you a moment of lunacy from Portland, OR.  That enlightened city, in its woke…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Brain Eaters” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Brain Eaters” Edition

Paladin is not going to watch anymore. No more faux concern or easy virtue-signaling for the shameful and horrific murder of innocent strangers. The ugly art of…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Even If” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Even If” Edition

V-Girl Übermensch, Kim Hirsh throws a rod into the wheelchair spokes of our crippled Republic; specifically over the cowardly Catamites and Girly Men of the Illinois GOP…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — Requiem for the Ferryman Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — Requiem for the Ferryman Edition

Happy the Man Happy the man, and happy he alone, He who can call today his own: He who, secure within, can say, Tomorrow do thy worst,…

Paladin’s Christmas Special:  God Bless Us Every One!

Paladin’s Christmas Special: God Bless Us Every One!

This Christmas, Paladin chews over passages and observations on the rightfully revered – A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens. A tale of redemption, hope, and psychological reckoning without peer. Indeed,…

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Ava Gardner