Kamala On Open Borders: “We Did The Right Thing” By Doing Nothing

Kamala On Open Borders: “We Did The Right Thing” By Doing Nothing

Regarding our wide open borders, Kamala stated unequivocally last night that “We did the right thing.” Kamala tossed up a plethora of word salads at last night’s CNN town hall. However, on immigration and open borders, she REALLY stepped in it.

Biden Gives Mass Amnesty And Work Permits To Thousands Of Illegals

Biden Gives Mass Amnesty And Work Permits To Thousands Of Illegals

The New York Post has discovered another insidious layer to Joe Biden’s wide-open borders policy. Mass Amnesty for all.

Axios Claims Open Borders Are A Myth

Axios Claims Open Borders Are A Myth

The open borders mantra from Republicans is a “myth” according to Axios. Yes really. It’s all in our heads or something. You see, according to Axis, the…

Pritzker Almost Gets The Point Why Illegals Are Coming To Illinois

Pritzker Almost Gets The Point Why Illegals Are Coming To Illinois

Two governors deserve boatloads of credit for bringing the issue of illegal immigration to the national spotlight – Governor Abbott and Governor DeSantis. Governor J.B. Pritzker, on…

The New Lifeblood Of America Is The Illegal

The New Lifeblood Of America Is The Illegal

According to Jerry Nadler and others, there is a new lifeblood of America, and it is the illegal alien. That’s right, with all the illegals streaming like…

Biden Knew Border Surge Would Happen, And Doesn’t Care

Biden Knew Border Surge Would Happen, And Doesn’t Care

In news that really shouldn’t surprise us, we find out that Biden knew a border surge would happen. Does he care? No, not one bit. 

Expect More Babies Dying From Fentanyl

Expect More Babies Dying From Fentanyl

The most recent death of a baby is reported from a New York Bronx daycare. A 1-year-old dies while three other children are hospitalized for possibly consuming…

Chuck Schumer Hates Americans

Chuck Schumer Hates Americans

Chuck Schumer hates Americans. Don’t believe me? Just this week, the Senate majority leader stood proudly in front of cameras to trumpet that the future of America…

SCOTUS: Green Cards Cannot Be Granted To Those Here Illegally

SCOTUS: Green Cards Cannot Be Granted To Those Here Illegally

Green cards cannot and will not be automatically given to those who’ve entered the United States illegally. That is the unanimous ruling of the United States Supreme…

The Left Tries To Argue For Open Borders, Fails [VIDEO]

The Left Tries To Argue For Open Borders, Fails [VIDEO]

With immigration being a hot-button issue, you would think the left would have a cohesive message on open borders. And you would be wrong.

Obama in LA Creates Traffic Havoc — Ignores Havoc in USA

President Obama was scheduled to be in Los Angeles doing what he does best — fundraising, this time at the home of Gwyneth Paltrow (she of the…

Open letter to the black Americans rioting in Ferguson

Open letter to the black Americans rioting in Ferguson

Dear Ferguson rioters, demonstrators, and media hypocrites: You might consider doing some hard thinking about what really caused the riots. Because it’s not the death of Michael…

Idiot Democrat argues against AZ immigration law because Arizona is not a border state

Idiot Democrat argues against AZ immigration law because Arizona is not a border state

Milwaukee County is considering boycotting Arizona over the recently passed immigration law. I still get annoyed that people are so angry about this. Heaven forbid we actually…

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Ava Gardner