LA Times Gaffes Bigly In Simpson Obit

LA Times Gaffes Bigly In Simpson Obit

Happy Friday, all and welcome to volume 4,003 of “Journalists Gonna Journo” brought to you by our friends at the LA Times.

Ford To Debut New Bronco On OJ’s Birthday

Ford To Debut New Bronco On OJ’s Birthday

The Ford Motor Company has announced that it will debut it’s brand new Bronco on July 9, 2020. That date just happens to be the birthday of…

#CNNSOTU: Sheriff Scott Israel Uses Weird OJ Snark As Excuse For Inaction [VIDEO]

#CNNSOTU: Sheriff Scott Israel Uses Weird OJ Snark As Excuse For Inaction [VIDEO]

The news cycle concerning the response, and lack thereof, by the Broward County Sheriff department continues to spin as more information becomes available. Meanwhile Sheriff Scott Israel…

Surprising Poll: Now Most Blacks Think O.J. is Guilty of Murder [VIDEO]

Surprising Poll: Now Most Blacks Think O.J. is Guilty of Murder [VIDEO]

June marks the 22nd anniversary of when the bloodied and slashed bodies of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were found crumpled in front of Mrs. Simpson’s…

IF he did it, here’s how

Remember a little while back, November 2006 to be specific, when OJ Simpson was peddling a book deal, something along the lines of “If I killed them,…

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Ava Gardner