No Rachel Levine, Mothers Are NOT Chickens

No Rachel Levine, Mothers Are NOT Chickens

Mothers are now chickens. We are only “egg producers.” That’s according to Rachel Levine, that guy masquerading as a woman while operating as the Assistant Secretary of Health for the Biden Administration is now calling women chickens.

Dems to Moms: “Sit Down and Shut up, Karen”

Dems to Moms: “Sit Down and Shut up, Karen”

It’s a long-standing tactic of Democrats to give lip-service to motherhood then let their misogynist freak flag fly when mothers dare dissent from their Revealed Truth. It…

NYC Health Official Says White Women Are “Birthing People”

NYC Health Official Says White Women Are “Birthing People”

Anyone who isn’t white is a mother, but if you ARE white and are or were pregnant, the head of the NYC Health Department is here to…

Obama Invokes Transgender “Mothers” on Mothers’ Day [VIDEO]

Obama Invokes Transgender “Mothers” on Mothers’ Day [VIDEO]

Today is Mothers’ Day, a uniquely American holiday, a holiday which is marked by preschoolers proudly presenting their little handprints in clay to their mommies, families taking…

And This is Why Selfish People Should Not Procreate

Becoming a parent inevitably means that you no longer come first. Once you have children, their wants and needs take precedence over yours. Most parents understand that,…

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Ava Gardner