The much touted Transgender Day of Visibility focused like a laser on our children. The more I read the DOJ release, Biden’s announcement, and the media reaction, the more I realized the intent is to destroy our children.
Rationed by race. That is how far too many hospitals and states are rationing treatment of those ill with Covid. In other words, the criteria for care…
Because of social distancing amid the Covid-19 pandemic, hospitals and doctor’s practices have cancelled routine screenings and non-essential surgeries. The dire predictions of the experts and pronouncements…
Lizzie Warren gleefully unveiled the details of her Medicare For All plan this morning. She is PROMISING that the middle class won’t ever see a tax increase….
I wrote about Charlie Gard the other day and struggled with every word. I’m a parent who would and has gone to the mat for my child…
Obamacare is a behemoth wrapped in a Medusa of regulations covered with incomprehensible gobbledygook that no one can decipher, not even the people it’s supposed to help!…
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