Gliniewicz Family attends funeral of Joseph Gliniewicz (Photo Credit: Daily Mail)
The investigation into the September shooting death of Illinois Police Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz is getting weirder by the moment. According to the Associated Press, Gliniewicz’s wife and son are now under “criminal investigation” themselves, though details as to what that investigation entails are currently fuzzy. But that’s perhaps not the most disturbing thing we’ve learned about the now-deceased officer, who, say investigators, had been stealing money from a youth program he and his wife were involved with, and committed suicide, staging his death to look like he’d died in the line of duty. So what’s the latest twist? Well, seems Gliniewicz wanted to take out an administrator he feared would unearth his years of embezzlement from the Explorer program he ran. From AP:
Joseph Gliniewicz (Photo Credit: Daily Herald)
An official says an Illinois police officer who killed himself tried to arrange for a gang member “to put a hit” on a village administrator because he feared she would discover he had been embezzling money.
Lake County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Christopher Covelli also said Thursday that investigators found packets of cocaine in Fox Lake Police Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz’s desk after his Sept. 1 death.
Covelli says investigators recovered deleted text messages in which Gliniewicz mentioned the possibility of planting something on the administrator, Anne Marrin, although he says they don’t know if that’s why he had the cocaine.
Covelli says Gliniewicz sent the text about arranging the hit to a woman last April, asking for help arranging a meeting with a high-ranking gang member. He declined to give her name.
Before Deputy Darren Goforth has even been lain to rest, Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz murdered in Illinois just yesterday, and on the heels of members of the…
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