National Multiple Sclerosis Society Has Some Explaining To Do

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Has Some Explaining To Do

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has some explaining to do. They decided to tell a volunteer to step off because she dared to ask what or why pronouns were being used. The volunteer is 90-year-old Fran Itkoff, who apparently had been a volunteer for 60 years! Her late husband also suffered from multiple sclerosis, which is why she got involved with the organization.

Florida Lawmaker Goes After Libs of TikTok

Florida Lawmaker Goes After Libs of TikTok

It never fails: if progressives don’t like what some conservatives say on social media, they try to stop their speech. Like a Florida lawmaker who is trying…

Twitter Wants to Get Rid of “Libs of TikTok”

Twitter Wants to Get Rid of “Libs of TikTok”

The popular Twitter account “Libs of TikTok” has run afoul of the social media platform, since they received two consecutive suspensions in April. They just got a…

Taylor Lorenz Whines About Her Own Consequences

Taylor Lorenz Whines About Her Own Consequences

Taylor Lorenz whining about her name being attached to the consequences of her own reporting? Why, I’m shocked, SHOCKED.

Taylor Lorenz Offers More Excuses For Doxxing

Taylor Lorenz Offers More Excuses For Doxxing

Let’s just stipulate right off the bat that Taylor Lorenz is a sad human being who gets off on flexing her media power.

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Ava Gardner