Biden On Trump Verdict: “No One Is Above The Law”

Biden On Trump Verdict: “No One Is Above The Law”

“No one is above the law.” Yes, that’s what Biden led with after the verdict came in yesterday. As Deanna pointed out, Donald Trump was found guilty of an invisible crime.

The Hypocrisy Behind Trump Gag Order

The Hypocrisy Behind Trump Gag Order

It’s been well documented that Trump is no fan of anyone or anything involving the Stormy Daniels hush money case against him. Yet this latest gag order…

Seventy-Year Old Law Used To Ensure $350 Million Trump Verdict

Seventy-Year Old Law Used To Ensure $350 Million Trump Verdict

That’s right. Letitia James, who vowed during her candidacy that she’d get Trump by hook or by crook, ended up using a seventy-year old law to ensure…

Minnesota Court: Trump Stays On Ballot, Insurrection Clause Doesn’t Apply

Minnesota Court: Trump Stays On Ballot, Insurrection Clause Doesn’t Apply

In multiple court cases around the country, the 14th Amendment is being weaponized to keep President Trump off the 2024 ballots. Minnesota has now ruled that Trump…

Trump Indictment Is Nothing To Cheer About

Trump Indictment Is Nothing To Cheer About

Well, District Attorney Bragg and the Democrats have gotten what they wanted. President Trump was indicted this afternoon.

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Ava Gardner