There was a disturbance in the Force that is the United States Senate yesterday. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) raised his voice and used ungentlemanly language. I, for one, have never been a fan of the Senior Senator from the great state of Utah. When one is thinking smashmouth politics, when one is thinking verbal pugilism, one does not think Orrin Hatch. That is, until last night. Last night, that pimple on the backside of humanity, Sherrod Brown (Swampslime-OH) pushed the courtly Hatch to his breaking point over taxes and Hatch responded, “Bullcrap.” Dayum, dude.

I was awakened this morning by this soundbite on Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh (Peace be upon him) featured it on his radio program. In case you have not heard or seen it yet, behold the beauty of Orrin unleashed:
Yeah, I didn’t watch the whole thing either. Brian Williams and Eugene Robinson are enough to make one scrape out one’s brain with a grapefruit spoon. Orrin Hatch made me weep tears of joy. Suddenly, I am an Orrin Hatch fangirl.

All of a sudden the 83 year old Hatch became virile and dreamy over taxes. The above-it-all air of the Senators and the reach-across-the-aisle thing never really worked for me. Orrin Hatch was bff’s with Ted Kennedy. The Senate has fits of terror because Judge Roy Moore had a thing for teenager girls decades ago. Ted Kennedy allowed Mary Jo Kopechne to drown and that is just peachy keen, cool and groovy with his fellow Senators.
But last night, Orrin got his groove. Perhaps, Orrin got his groove for the first time. Perhaps, it was the nasty snide little smirk on the face of the PITA Brown. Sherrod Brown has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University in Russian Studies. He has degrees in education and public administration, as well as a law degree. I would venture a guess that he doesn’t have a background in economics. Brown clearly has no (0) understanding of basic economics and, worse than that, according to his biography, he is “committed to social and economic justice.” Oh, and his biography has lots of “fought for,” “fighting for,” and “working for” in it. Side note to all elected officials: Please stop fighting and working for the people, you are really mucking it up, badly.
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