Obama: More Troops to Afghanistan

To the (not so) wayback machine! “This November, you get to decide the future of the Afghanistan war,” Obama told some 13,000 people at a rally on…

John Kerry Is “Amazed” That Most Americans Aren’t Suckers

For me, the money quote out of the article, one I’m still chuckling about, is this:  “He told the event that buildings are a major contributor to…

Obama and Kerry get schooled by Putin in the New York Times

This has been quite the month for me. I wrote in my post last week that I agreed with Charlie Rangel on the issue of Syria (God…

State Department LIES about where John Kerry was during Egypt’s Coup. You’re SHOCKED, right?

Well it just goes to show you can’t keep a good liar down, or a completely pitiful liar either for that matter. It seems that the State…

Calling John Kerry: North Korea Continues “Attention-seeking Behavior”

Just in time for the Imperial President’s first State of Confusion address since re-election, the North Koreans set off another nuclear test overnight, this one more potent…

Is John “Reporting-For-Duty” Kerry, Obama’s next Secretary of Defense?  No thanks.

Is John “Reporting-For-Duty” Kerry, Obama’s next Secretary of Defense? No thanks.

John Kerry embodies pretty much everything I viscerally despise. He’s patently Ivy League-pompous: smug about his intellect while actually being remarkably stupid and quite thick. He’s a…

Liberals Strange Obsessions:  Meet “Greasy Face Mitt Romney”

Liberals Strange Obsessions: Meet “Greasy Face Mitt Romney”

Understanding what makes a liberal so remarkably strange is an art, or even, a science. Of course we conservatives believe liberalism isn’t just an oddity, or a…

john kerry’s sarah palin joke

why does john ‘reporting for duty’ kerry say these dumb things? you’d think after being excoriated on the campaign trail 6 years or so ago, he would…

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Ava Gardner