Democrats Say Trump Not Allowed To Discuss Ralph Northam’s Infanticide Advocacy

Democrats Say Trump Not Allowed To Discuss Ralph Northam’s Infanticide Advocacy

Last night President Trump presided over a huge rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin – the state that Hillary can’t find. His speech was quite something and hit on all the major themes. However, today social media has been having a tantrum because he dared to talk about infanticide and abortion. Something that he is evidently NOT allowed to do.

Sore Loser Stacey Abrams Calls Georgia’s Fetal Heartbeat Bill “Evil”

Sore Loser Stacey Abrams Calls Georgia’s Fetal Heartbeat Bill “Evil”

Stacey Abrams (D-GA) is a sore loser. She’s a flaming-haired hypocrite…

#HimToo: Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring Donned Blackface In College

#HimToo: Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring Donned Blackface In College

The Virginia Democrat party is a raging dumpster fire right now. It all started with Kathy Tran’s heinously evil full-term abortion bill, continued with Ralph Northam’s abhorrent…

Nancy Pelosi Invites Planned Parenthood Abortion Ghoul To #SOTU

Nancy Pelosi Invites Planned Parenthood Abortion Ghoul To #SOTU

It’s been quite evident that tonight’s State of the Union will be quite the show. We have Democrats inviting illegals, other Democrats such as Kamala Harris offering…

Indiana Abortion Law Signed By Mike Pence Declared Unconstitutional By Federal Appeals Court [VIDEO]

Indiana Abortion Law Signed By Mike Pence Declared Unconstitutional By Federal Appeals Court [VIDEO]

A Federal Appeals court ruled portions of an abortion law signed by now Vice President Mike Pence unconstitutional. The law signed by former Indiana Governor Pence in…

How Stupid is This College Student About Infanticide? This Stupid. [VIDEO]

How Stupid is This College Student About Infanticide? This Stupid. [VIDEO]

If college students are really as dense as this half-wit, then as a nation we’re in deep doo-doo. Or maybe his stupidity is due to brainwashing by…

Socialism Equals Suffering For Venezuela’s Children (VIDEO)

Socialism Equals Suffering For Venezuela’s Children (VIDEO)

While the world focuses on Brazil and the Olympic Games in Rio at the moment, a competition of a different sort is taking place in its neighbor…

11th Planned Parenthood Vid: Doc Says Harvesting Brains “Will Give Me Something to Strive For” [VIDEO]

11th Planned Parenthood Vid: Doc Says Harvesting Brains “Will Give Me Something to Strive For” [VIDEO]

The Center for Medical Progress has released an eleventh video in its undercover series inside the abortion cult that is Planned Parenthood. And the newest of the…

House to Vote Today on Bill Making It Easier for States to Defund Planned Parenthood

House to Vote Today on Bill Making It Easier for States to Defund Planned Parenthood

The House of Representatives will vote on a bill today that would make it easier for states to defund Planned Parenthood. Five states—Utah, Arkansas, Alabama, New Hampshire,…

Post-Birth Abortion Support on the Rise on College Campuses

According to The College Fix, post-birth abortion support is on the rise on campuses across the United States. These fanatical pro-aborts are so extreme that they openly…

Gosnell’s Sister-in-Law Ground Up Babies in Disposal, Gets Probation

For aiding and abetting monster and convicted murderer, Kermit Gosnell, who received two life sentences for murder, on Tuesday Gosnell’s sister-in law, Elizabeth Hampton, received a stiff penalty…

Obama: Male Politicians Shouldn’t Make Decisions on Abortion

In typical liberal (and pro-abortion) fashion, Obama has chimed in on abortion to say that male politicians shouldn’t weigh in on abortion. Why is it typical liberal…

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Ava Gardner