Gaza Pier Gets Moved, But Will Anyone Use It Ever Again?

Gaza Pier Gets Moved, But Will Anyone Use It Ever Again?

Ever since it was first announced as a publicity stunt during the State of the Union, the U.S.-built Gaza pier has been nothing but a money pit.

Taliban Claims Humanitarian Aid Is Coming After Talks

Taliban Claims Humanitarian Aid Is Coming After Talks

The Taliban, after a meeting with a United States delegation in Qatar for two days, was quick to rush to the media when it was over.

Ilhan Omar Blames US Soldiers For Something People Did During ‘Black Hawk Down’

Ilhan Omar Blames US Soldiers For Something People Did During ‘Black Hawk Down’

Ilhan Omar is ungrateful. She came to the United States at age 12 as a refugee from war torn Somalia, and is now a member of Congress….

ISIS Claims American Hostage Kayla Mueller Was Killed in Airstrikes

The news broke today that ISIS is claiming that the American hostage whose name was accidentally leaked by White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, Kayla Mueller…

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Ava Gardner