Patrick Philbin, Hero Of The Impeachment Trial

Patrick Philbin, Hero Of The Impeachment Trial

The question and answer phase of the Impeachment Trial of President Donald J. Trump started on Wednesday, January 29, 2020. The questions and answers have been predictably partisan and choreographed. You can almost see Chief Justice John Roberts thinking of ways to stab his brain to end the pain. Although Pat Cipollone, White House Counsel, has been a rock star, the hero of this Cirque du Impeachment is Deputy Counsel, Patrick Philbin.

Val Demings Calls On McConnell To Recuse From Impeachment

Val Demings Calls On McConnell To Recuse From Impeachment

Freshman Florida Congresswoman, Val Demings, has called on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to recuse himself from the Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. Appointed by Speaker Nancy…

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Ava Gardner