2016 has been a year that rocked America to its core. Racial unrest, police being shot, campuses overrun with snowflakes. Then it ended with a stormy Presidential election.
So how about some good news for a change? Some sweet news about a young married couple announcing that they’re expecting their second child together. Stuff that normally makes you go awwww.

But hold on, the mom-to-be is Bristol Palin.
Yes, it’s Bristol Palin. And haters gonna hate.
@thehill The woman who was paid to promote abstinence has 3rd child out of wedlock. Murican Family Values. Idiot.
— Ranger Dan (@jeffcoco13) December 10, 2016
Umm, Bristol is married. Who’s the idiot now?
@thehill Do we know who's the the father?
— Brent Mather (@MinnesotaExpat) December 10, 2016
Wouldn’t it be logical to assume it’s Dakota Meyer, her husband? Duh.
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