AP-GfK Poll: Most Voters Expect GOP Victory in November

Well, would you look at that.  Cautionary touchdown dance advised.

Two weeks before Election Day, most of the nation’s likely voters now expect the Republican Party to take control of the U.S. Senate, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. And by a growing margin, they say that’s the outcome they’d like to see.

And among women?

Women have moved in the GOP’s direction since September. In last month’s AP-GfK poll, 47 percent of female likely voters said they favored a Democratic-controlled Congress while 40 percent wanted the Republicans to capture control. In the new poll, the two parties are about even among women, 44 percent prefer the Republicans, 42 percent the Democrats.

Other really important nuggets on this are foreign policy, and health care.

On foreign affairs, Republicans have the upper hand. By a 22-point margin, voters trust the GOP more to protect the country, and they give the Republicans a 10-point lead as more trusted to handle international crises. Democrats have a slim advantage on health care, 36 percent to 32 percent.

That is saying something, given that the PINO rode into office promising that the seas would rise no more and that “we are the ones we have been waiting for” and oh by the way, I am going to bail on… errrr, I mean end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Anyone checked on that lately?  Like the most deaths in Afghanistan since he took office and told the Taliban what we weren’t going to do and when we were going to leave.  Oh, and how is that going in Iraq again; what with ISIS and all.  Seems like Americans are concerned about that.  Bet the PINO wishes he could have that one back.

And Health Care?  Yeah, that one is something else they don’t want to talk about.  But America does, and when they see how much their premiums are going up for next year, the Democrats better brace themselves for epic irrelevancy and and their own chronic unemployment.

I think the country is headed in the right direction, or we possibly made Amanda Marcotte and Lena Dunham feel bad, so they are telling everyone to give up, which given their nature, seems like a possible scenario.  Lots of victimhood to be found if the evil woman hating conservatives are in power.

I am cautiously optimistic and hopeful that the other party will make the necessary gains to put the Democrats out of business for some time.  Because it was an AP Poll, there is the usual lowering of expectations so that the Dems have some talking points for the Sunday Shows.

Although likely voters appear more apt to take the GOP side in the upcoming elections, the poll finds little difference between those most likely to cast a ballot and others on negative perceptions of the nation’s direction and leadership. Among all adults as well as just the likely voters, 9 in 10 disapprove of Congress, 7 in 10 say the nation is heading in the wrong direction, 6 in 10 disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president and 6 in 10 describe the nation’s economy as “poor.”

Well, these numbers tell me that the public is up for making some changes in who is running the show.  Disapproval rates like this mean that people are going to vote, and I want everyone to know that this is good news, but this is also something that should give everyone some pause on how to go about the next steps.  Those are, (1) tell as many of your possibly disillusioned moderate friends who really want Barack to be a better man, but feel so let down by him to vote Republican and (2) make sure to vote your damn self.  We can quibble later and argue with Karl Rove over his ridiculous candidate choices and RINO policies.  Right now, we need to present a united front so that the people we elect can possibly do a better job of putting the kibosh on the Progressive Agenda.

The thing that needs to come from this is that we smash the Democrats in their home.  We need the electoral equivalent of a purge.  Voters and those with a conservative bent need to send the message that we are not going to just take whatever the PINO has next lying down.  Showing his party and the world that executive amnesty, foreign policy blunders and Scandal-palooza are going to start packing their things and moving out of the White House is a good start.

The times for the Democrats honoring themselves will soon be at an end.  The electoral equivalent of going Keyser Soze on them will just make it so much better.

Next, we can get to work on the RINOs for 2016…

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