Never Trumpers Gather to Celebrate Their Growing Irrelevancy

Never Trumpers Gather to Celebrate Their Growing Irrelevancy

The Never Trumpers are apparently still trying to hang on to the grift. They had a Summit a few days ago, apparently. The remaining Never Trumpers decided to hold their event on the same weekend as CPAC. Meanwhile, CPAC was rocking out in the Nation’s Capital.

Marcotte: Why Trump Hates Kamala’s Laugh

Marcotte: Why Trump Hates Kamala’s Laugh

Salon‘s Amanda Marcotte never ceases to disappoint with her uncontrollable TDS and theories. In this screed, Marcotte delves into the “dark truth” behind Trump’s hatred of presidential…

Sentencing Trump, The Show Will Go On

Sentencing Trump, The Show Will Go On

After rushing through a sham of a liberal-fueled trial where 7 men and 5 women found Donald J. Trump guilty of 34 felony counts, we now wait…

Buckle Up, Trump’s Campaign Trail Is Going To Be Glorious

Buckle Up, Trump’s Campaign Trail Is Going To Be Glorious

Well, dear little love bunnies, we can focus on what’s next now that the expected Trump verdict is in. The campaign trail and what that might look…

Here Is Another Post About Donald Trump’s Vice President Short List

Here Is Another Post About Donald Trump’s Vice President Short List

Here is another post about Donald Trump’s Vice President Short List. He is the candidate, after all, and we are getting closer to The Don announcing his…

Representative Mike Lawler And Seven Useful Idiots

Representative Mike Lawler And Seven Useful Idiots

In the long-drawn-out drama within the Republican party, a new character has entered center stage. New York Representative Mike Lawler appeared before Anderson Cooper on CNN to…

Speaker Johnson Gets Trump Boost In Mar-a-Lago Visit

Speaker Johnson Gets Trump Boost In Mar-a-Lago Visit

The chaos that has consumed the House GOP caucus for well over a year now has got to come to an end. So Speaker Johnson is going…

Trump’s Vice President Pick Important For 2028

Trump’s Vice President Pick Important For 2028

Trump’s Vice President pick is important for the 2028 election. Yes, that’s right. Donald Trump needs to consider who he will pass the baton to for 2028,…

Alabama Freshman Senator Katie Britt

Alabama Freshman Senator Katie Britt

Alabama Freshman Senator Katie Britt will give the rebuttal speech after Joe Biden stumbles and mumbles his way through the State of the Union on Thursday.

Will No Labels Never Trumpers Welcome Nikki Haley?

Will No Labels Never Trumpers Welcome Nikki Haley?

Will the No Labels never Trumpers welcome Nikki Haley? That’s a lot to ask, I know. But that rumor is swirling around the political crowds today, especially…

Super Tuesday Is Coming, Nikki Haley Is Staying

Super Tuesday Is Coming, Nikki Haley Is Staying

Super Tuesday is coming, March 5, 2024, but first, we have the South Carolina primaries tomorrow. Nikki Haley is sure to lose, but she’s staying in the…

Why Is Nikki Haley Still Hanging On?

Why Is Nikki Haley Still Hanging On?

Other than the upcoming South Carolina primary on February 24th, I have to ask, why is Nikki Haley still around? Is it to try to save face…

What Happens To The DeSantis Diehards?

What Happens To The DeSantis Diehards?

Just when I had made up my mind about who I was leaning toward, he dropped out. So what happens to those DeSantis diehards? A lot of…

Nikki Haley And The Swamp

Nikki Haley And The Swamp

Nikki Haley and The Swamp isn’t a new pop music group. But they do go together like ham and cheese, lipstick and pearls, or Mitch McConnell and…

Donald Trump’s Vice President Shortlist

Donald Trump’s Vice President Shortlist

Everyone wants to know who is on Donald Trump’s Vice President Shortlist. Every presidential run, all the political pundits scramble to see if they can predict the…

Rand Paul Launches #NeverNikki Campaign

Rand Paul Launches #NeverNikki Campaign

Rand Paul took to social media yesterday to give us a little teaser of an announcement that he would have a message for us today. Well, here…

Johnson Faces Same Issues As McCarthy, Reaches Same Deal

Johnson Faces Same Issues As McCarthy, Reaches Same Deal

Which proverb applies to this situation? “Be careful what you wish for, you may get it” works, as does “same song, second verse.” Mike Johnson is making…

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Ava Gardner