California: No Gender-Neutral Toy Section? Get Fined

California: No Gender-Neutral Toy Section? Get Fined

California certainly has their priorities. If stores with 500 employees don’t create a gender-neutral toy section, they will be fined.

I Hate Pink

I Hate Pink

No, seriously, I absolutely loathe pink with the intensity of the fires of a thousand suns.

American Girl Book Promotes Gender Transition

American Girl Book Promotes Gender Transition

American Girl used to be about empowering girls as they move through life. American Girl used to promote healthy lifestyles. That’s no longer the case. These days…

Medical Associations Demand DOJ Investigate Critics Of Gender-Affirming Care

Medical Associations Demand DOJ Investigate Critics Of Gender-Affirming Care

Don’t criticize gender-affirming care! Medical associations such as the AMA, American Academy of Pediatrics and others have sent a demand letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Biden Transgender Agenda Will Destroy Children

Biden Transgender Agenda Will Destroy Children

The much touted Transgender Day of Visibility focused like a laser on our children. The more I read the DOJ release, Biden’s announcement, and the media reaction,…

American Kayla Mueller Was Sexually Abused By Now-Dead ISIS Leader

Kayla Mueller was confirmed to have been killed while in ISIS captivity back in February of this year. Today, on what would have been her 27th birthday,…

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Ava Gardner