Helmuth Unhinged: Out At Scientific American

Helmuth Unhinged: Out At Scientific American

Laura Helmuth, Editor-in-Chief at Scientific American is out after an uncontrollable rant on social media.

Gen Z: Crying For Self-Care And Attention

Gen Z: Crying For Self-Care And Attention

It is okay to cry. It is okay to let it all out and be an emotional wreck every now and again. But Gen-Z? Well, some of…

Gen Z: The Kids Are Not Alright

Gen Z: The Kids Are Not Alright

It seems as if some Gen X-ers and other Generations have been way too hard on our Gen Z kids. At least, this seems to be the…

Maher Challenges Rising Gen Z LGBTQ Trend

Maher Challenges Rising Gen Z LGBTQ Trend

Real Time host, Bill Maher, decided to go there. Last night, he questioned the LGBTQ trend amongst our young people.

Salon Goes 1984 On Halloween

Salon Goes 1984 On Halloween

Salon cannot get Donald Trump out of their proverbial noggins. According to this piece by Matthew Rozsa, “the right” has been trying to cancel Halloween since 1984…and…

#SuperBowl: Five Commercials That Worked [VIDEO]

#SuperBowl: Five Commercials That Worked [VIDEO]

People watch the Super Bowl for two reasons. Either their team is playing, or they watch it for the commercials. Here, in no particular order, are the…

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Ava Gardner