We’re Taking The American Flag Challenge (VIDEO)

We’re Taking The American Flag Challenge (VIDEO)

It’s a simple request. Fly with honor and pride one of the greatest symbols of Freedom this Republic has. There is nothing that grabs at ones heartstrings…

Veterans Day 2014: “The Eleventh Hour, of the Eleventh Day, of the Eleventh Month.”

Today, we honor America’s veterans, young and old, who enable us to experience life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness as our founders intended. We remember acts of…

#DDAY70: We Remember D-Day

“For four long years, much of Europe had been under a terrible shadow. Free nations had fallen, Jews cried out in the camps, millions cried out for…

Why You Should Support Cliven Bundy

In the interest of time, we’re going to assume you haven’t been living under a cave and are at least moderately familiar with the story of Cliven…

Plymouth High School Bleachers: Whatever Happened to Civil Disobedience?

Plymouth High School Bleachers: Whatever Happened to Civil Disobedience?

Every time I open up the Interwebs, I am greeted by headlines like these: Department of Education Order Plymouth High School to Tear Down Bleachers, And then…

Becoming We the People Again

“This is supposed to be a republic. The contract says power resides in the people. But if the Snowden leaks are teaching us one thing, it’s that…

Freedom: Priceless

MEMORIAL DAY 2011 solemn. poignant. somehow fitting. the irish brigade memorial at gettysburg an excerpt from the Gettysburg Address: “The brave men, living and dead, who struggled…

spaghetti and burqas

spaghetti and burqas

just one more reason blatherings is a ‘burqa-free zone’… you can’t make this stuff up. heh. btw, i’m traveling today so light blogging but please discuss amongst…

‘thank you america! and damn you, you bastards!’

so many people like to sound off about how the iraqis were not appreciative to what we did to liberate them. liberal pundits like to focus on…

yay iraq! iraq’s ‘national sovereignty day’

today is ‘national sovereignty day’ in iraq. the US has pulled back from baghdad and other urban areas, leaving iraq’s elected government and its own security forces…

iran election protests: ‘where is my vote?’

even with the ‘less-then-great liberator’ as president, those of us in America take freedom, democracy and liberty for granted. it has been our birthright since the beginning…

iran’s revolution: passing obama by

barack obama says he’s ‘troubled’ by what’s going on in iran. troubled?? jeez. he really needs to get his balls back from michelle – if he ever…

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Ava Gardner