#CharlieHebdo: The Impossible Choice Corrine Rey Made

As more details emerge from today’s terrorist attack by three Muslim assailants on the staff of Charlie Hebdo magazine, the question of how the terrorists got access…

French Muslims Learn That Jihad Isn’t As Fun As They Thought

Apparently, the jihad isn’t as fun when you can’t get the iPod to work anymore. Seriously. The Telegraph translated several letters from French Muslims, which were published…

French Feminists Want “Sex Attack” Statue Removed from Normandy

History teaches that the Allies freed France from the Nazis in World War II. Yet it appears that a new crop of Nazis has re-emerged in France…

Poll: ISIS is More Popular in France Than Gaza

As if it wasn’t disturbing enough that ISIS is highly supported in the Middle East, where they’re beheading their way across the land, now a poll in…

French-style financial ruin coming to America

French-style financial ruin coming to America

Or:    “Hollande Never Had a Job in the Private Sector Either” This excellent article about the smart, able and fleeced fleeing France should serve as a clarion call…

Hey Paris, just go ahead and surrender already

Why bother continuing to act as if the entire city isn’t filled with dhimmis? The Muslim population has been growing in France, particularly in Paris, and they…

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Ava Gardner