Whoopi to Ocasio-Cortez: Shut Up and Let the Establishment Borg Assimilate You

Whoopi to Ocasio-Cortez: Shut Up and Let the Establishment Borg Assimilate You

President Trump—the antithesis of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—is scheduled to deliver an address to the nation this evening, straight from the Oval Office.

Jared Kushner, Trump-In-Law, Is Not A Tax Cheat

Jared Kushner, Trump-In-Law, Is Not A Tax Cheat

Oh my stars and garters, The Failing New York Times has some ground breaking reporting. The title of the article “Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for…

Idiot CA Legislators Demand Corporations Give Fed Tax Savings Back To State [VIDEO]

Idiot CA Legislators Demand Corporations Give Fed Tax Savings Back To State [VIDEO]

California has a money and reality problem. Remember Oroville Dam? Still not fixed, yet sky high funding for the misguided bullet train continues and state taxes were…

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Ava Gardner