SPLC: Parents Rights Groups Are Worse Than The KKK

SPLC: Parents Rights Groups Are Worse Than The KKK

The SPLC (Souther Poverty Law Center) published its annual ‘Hate Map’ yesterday, with new groups added. They claim that Parental Rights groups are equal to or worse than the KKK.

NJ Teachers Union: Parents Are Extremists

NJ Teachers Union: Parents Are Extremists

Parents are extremists. That’s the entire premise of an ad that started running on Monday. An ad developed and paid for by the New Jersey Teachers Union.

Biden: MAGA People Are The Extremists

Biden: MAGA People Are The Extremists

Forget Hillary’s deplorables comment. That darned MAGA people are the extremists. Everything we are dealing with now is THEIR fault. That’s the gospel according to Joe Biden…

American Extremists Are The Problem Says DHS

American Extremists Are The Problem Says DHS

Extremists are a huge problem says DHS. That was the quiet announcement they made late last week. WHICH extremists? Any American who questions anything related to Covid…

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Ava Gardner