Surely someone in the editing room noticed the flirty eyes and sighing looks and could have cut the interview differently. Or, maybe they did notice and wanted to make Erin Burnett look like a love-struck fool. Burnett did an interview with the President of Ukraine and it aired on CNN Wednesday night. Ultra MAGA Party of Twitter noticed and made a video set to the theme from the Love Story of Romeo & Juliet as filmed by Franco Zefirelli in 1968. The Tweet is both hysterically funny and terribly sad.
Don’t you just love it when news outlets like CNN and their “truth seeking journalists” try to play it slick on national television? “OutFront” host, Erin Burnett,…
Usaamah Rahim, the Boston terror suspect who was shot dead by police after brandishing a knife at them, did not originally seek to kill police officers. He…
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