It wasn’t even close. Emmanuel Macron won in an absolute landslide over Marine Le Pen in today’s French presidential election. Newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron
And I mean a landslide.
So, what happens next for France? Nothing new, unfortunately. As I wrote earlier, Macron is a socialist dressed up in a fancy slogan and hands extended to right and left – which earned him the “centrist” label. Even Obama endorsed him. He must see some similarities there.
Macron has said a lot of nice things about reaching out to both right and left. It remains to be seen if he can actually pull a governing coalition together. Macron technically does not have a political party – En Marche is a movement without a political machine behind it. Will Macron need to return to his Socialist party roots in order to govern effectively? As the major left-wing parties have already endorsed him, does he actually need any right-wing support? Only time will tell – because the June parliamentary elections will determine whether he gets a governing majority.
But as it stands, France has voted to stay with the status quo. Read into that what you will.
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